Feel tired or sluggish? Count on these dietary recommendations

Sometimes, despite not doing any strenuous activity, we feel fatigued and find our energy levels dipping. While resting may help the body to recover, it is also important to include foods that help restore energy and make one feel active throughout the day.

Here’s nutritionist Shonali Sabherwal recommending a few foods that can be incorporated into ones diet.

As such, taking to Instagram she said: “I hear so many complaints about fatigue and energy levels. If you also find yourself feeling tired or sluggish you must read this post.”

➼ Eat more fibre

Whole grains, beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, and lentils are all rich in fibre, which slows down the release of insulin and helps maintain a steady supply of energy.

Eat a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables (preferably organic) for their protective phytochemicals and micronutrients are needed for optimal metabolism

➼ Snack right

Choose healthy snacks that contain protein, carbohydrates, and good fats. Good options include a handful of unsalted nuts, fresh or dried fruit, vegetable sticks with hummus.

apple crumble Apples are rich source of fibre and is low in calories. (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

➼ Be a grazer

“A large meal can trigger the body to release more insulin, resulting in low blood sugar levels and fatigue, which is energy draining. Eating smaller meals or healthy snacks throughout the day can help keep blood sugar levels steady,” said Sabherwal.

➼ Stay hydrated

Dehydration is a common cause of fatigue — drink water or other healthy liquids throughout the day.

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