Here’s a recipe for a detox infusion to help rejuvenate your body and mind
Here’s a recipe for a detox infusion to help rejuvenate your body and mind

Do you struggle with having a relaxed morning routine? In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is important to start your day on the right foot. A few lifestyle changes can make a world of difference.

Drinking a cold infusion of coriander seeds with a dash of rock sugar in an empty stomach might relieve you if you have acidity, hot flushes, burning sensations in your body etc, says Dr Dixa Bhavsar on Instagram.

Coriander seeds are rich sources of fibre that help boost metabolism. They have been a traditional fix for bloating for the longest time in Ayurvedic medication.

Dr Bhavsar says coriander seeds “even relieve excessive thirst and makes you feel satiated. It also cleanses and detoxes all the bodily channels”.

Here’s how you can make your own detox Dhanyaka Hima or cold infusion of coriander seeds:

Method and ingredients

*Take one part of crushed coriander seeds.(Eg: 25 gms)
*Add six parts of water (Eg: 150 ml)
*3. Keep it covered overnight or 8 hours.
*4. The next morning, strain and mix with a little quantity of rock sugar and enjoy on an empty stomach.

Dr Bhavsar also mentions a few Ayurvedic properties of the cooling drink. They are:

*Rasa (taste): kashaya (astringent) and tikta (bitter)
*Guna (qualities) : laghu (light), snigdha (unctuous)
*Virya (potency): ushna (hot)
*Vipaka (post digestive taste): madhura (sweet)
*Effect on Dosha: Tridoshahara, balances all the three Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha)

She advises a quantity of 40-50 ml to be taken in the morning on an empty stomach along with half a spoon of sugar. It can also be taken in dosage of 10 to 30 ml, 2-3 times daily with rock sugar.

It can be taken for a period of 6 – 8 weeks and is useful for thirst, relieves burning sensation, pitta disorder, indigestion, abdominal pain, clears srotas (bodily channels), fever, indigestion and worm infestation, she adds.

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