On Friday, shares of Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd rose 2.61 percent from their previous closing price of ₹3,763.70 to an intraday high of ₹3,861.80 a share. Shares of the company were in the red at the closing bell, down 3.28 percent to ₹3,640.20 per share. On the BSE, the volume of the company’s shares increased by more than 1.50 times.
Additionally, HAL announced that on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, the company’s board of directors will meet to discuss, among other things, a proposal to split the company’s equity shares in accordance with Section 61(1)(d) of the Companies Act, 2013.
The stock has a PE of 21x, 30% and 31% ROE and ROCE, respectively. The stock has increased by 107% in just one year, 258% in two years, and more than 400% in three years. In Q4FY23, net sales increased by 8.10% to Rs. 12,495. Order book position is maintained at Rs. 81784 Crores with receipt of fresh Manufacturing Contracts, ROH and Spares orders. It also declared 1st interim Dividend and 2nd Interim Dividend of 200% each for the FY 2022-23, cumulative Dividend of 400%.
In Q4FY23, the company recorded a net profit of ₹2,844.64 crore, a decrease of 8.36% from Q4FY22’s net profit of ₹3,103.99. In comparison to FY22, net sales increased by 9.37 percent to ₹26,927 crore, and net profit rose by 14.25 percent to ₹5,828 crore. Net sales increased by 8.10% to ₹12,495 in Q4FY23. In Q4FY23, the company reported a net profit of ₹2,844.64 crore, an 8.36% decrease from Q4FY22’s net profit of ₹3,103.99. Net sales increased by 9.37% to ₹26,927 crore from FY22, and net profit increased by 14.25% to ₹5,828 crore.
Hindustan Aeronautics manufactures aircraft and helicopters, as well as repairs and maintenance for these types of aircraft and helicopters. It also has expertise in upgrading aircraft for the military, including major modifications including reengineering, avionics upgrades, and armament system integration.
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Updated: 24 Jun 2023, 11:29 PM IST