Know what Ayurveda says about starting the day with a teaspoon of ghee on an empty stomach

The health benefits of consuming ghee are widely known. It not just elevates the taste of basic meals but is also a healthy fat that has numerous medicinal properties. But, did you know that Ayurveda recommends consuming ghee in the morning, on an empty stomach?

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Known to rejuvenate the body and give it a much-needed health boost, ghee, which is a clarified form of butter, can do wonders if consumed regularly on an empty stomach every morning. “According to Ayurveda, it improves the absorption ability of the small intestines and decreases the acidic pH of our gastrointestinal tract,” Nutritionist Avanti Deshpande said in an Instagram post, listing the many health benefits of starting your day with a teaspoon of ghee.

Take a look at the post below.

Here’s why you should consume ghee in the morning, according to the nutritionist.

*It cleanses your digestive system.
*It gives your clear and glowing skin.
*It heals irregular bowel movements.
*It controls hunger pangs for a longer time. Thus, it’s great for weight loss.
*It contains gut-friendly enzymes, helping improve gut health.
*It also enhances bone power and stamina.

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