Speaking in the Lok Sabha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi Monday launched a scathing attack on Congress, blaming the party for “instigating” migrants to travel amid the first lockdown and hence spreading Covid-19 across the country. Replying to the debate on the Motion of Thanks to the President’s address in the Parliament Budget session, Modi also accused the Congress of practising “divide and rule” and said even after losing so many elections, the party has not been able to shed its ‘arrogance’.
Here are the top quotes from PM Modi’s Lok Sabha speech today
🛑 “Several states have rejected Congress for decades. Despite facing so many electoral losses, you (Congress) have not lost your arrogance. Your deeds and demeanour will ensure you don’t return to power for a 100 years.”
🛑 “Covid was a global pandemic but it was used for partisan politics. Congress crossed all limits during the first wave of the infection. During the first wave of Covid-19, you (Congress) gave free train tickets to migrant workers to leave Mumbai. At the same time, Delhi govt told migrant workers to leave the city and provided them buses. As a result, Covid spread rapidly in Punjab, UP and Uttarakhand.”
🛑 “Those who use Mahatma Gandhi’s name to reproach others can’t see his dreams come true. Otherwise, why don’t you support our Swadeshi initiatives? The world hails yoga, but you made fun of it. If we talk about ‘vocal for local’, are we not fulfilling Mahatma Gandhi’s dreams? Why was it mocked by Opposition?”
🛑 “You mocked ‘Make in India’, But now that the youth of this country made it possible, you have become a joke. Some people have a problem with ‘Make in India’ because, for them, it means that there will be no corruption, they won’t be able to gather money.”
🛑 “It is important to strengthen the small farmers of this country. Our focus is on them. But those who don’t know the pain of small farmers don’t have any right to do politics in the name of the farmers.”
🛑 “Congress won several elections due to their ‘Garibi Hatao’ slogan. Even after so many years, they failed to drive out poverty. Then the poor drove them out.”
🛑 “You (Opposition) ask why everyone does ‘Modi, Modi’. You tell me why you do the same. ‘You can’t spend a moment without Modi, you start taking Modi’s name since morning.” Accusing the Congress of indulging in blind opposition, he said: “Aalochana jivant loktantra ka aabhushan hai… andhvirodh loktantra ka anaadar hai. (Criticism is the ornament of a vibrant democracy…Blind opposition is a disrespect to democracy.).”
🛑 “India had to face double-digit inflation during UPA years, government had then admitted it cannot rein in inflation. Despite Covid, we ensured inflation did not go out of control; food inflation remained below 5 per cent. You say I don’t take Nehru’s name enough. Today, I will try to remove that complaint. Pandit Nehru had once said from the Red Fort that the war in Korea could be a cause of inflation. He also said that any disturbance in America could have also caused inflation.”
🛑 “The British rule ended in India long back, but the Congress adopted their policy of “divide and rule”, and has now become the leader of Tukde Tukde gang.”