Say goodbye to nasal congestion, throat pain with this ‘magical ayurvedic concoction’

Seasonal issues like common cold, nasal congestion, and cough are extremely common. This is why it is essential to take preventive measures. But if you are already experiencing some of these symptoms, here’s an Ayurvedic remedy that can help.

Ayurvedic practitioner Dr Dixa Bhavsar shared the recipe for a concoction that can be used in three ways.

Take a look.

“This magical ayurvedic concoction is effective in every way — whether you sip on it, inhale it, or gargle with it. In severe cough/cold/breathlessness, you can use it in all 3 ways to get quick relief,” she opined.

*For steam inhalation
*For drinking
*For gargling

“If any of you or your loved one has caught cold/cough/sneezing, etc due to travelling, sipping on cold drinks, or eating excessive ice creams, try this concoction,” she recommended.

How to make it?


2 glasses- Water
Handful – Mint leaves
1 tsp- Carom seeds
½ tsp – Ajwain or fenugreek seeds
½ tsp – Haldi or turmeric


*Take 2 glasses of water
*Add all the ingredients.
*Boil it for 7-10 mins on medium flame.

How to use it?

*You can do steam inhalation.
*Strain and drink the concoction on an empty stomach or anytime during the day (1 hiur post meals) or
*Gargle thrice a day with it.

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