Stop using flavoured condoms for vaginal sex now… here’s why

The importance of using contraceptives during any kind of sexual activity cannot be emphasised enough. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), contraceptive information and services are fundamental to the health and human rights of all individuals. Highlighting the same, Dr Priyanka Chauhan Garg, Associate Consultant, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Max Super Specialty Hospital, Dehradun said, “If someone is not planning pregnancy, be it cause the couple is not ready to become parents or already have completed their family or want to space out between the two pregnancies, they should use appropriate contraceptive methods.”

Another significant reason to use barrier contraception, according to Dr Garg, is to prevent transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). “Types can be male or female condoms and the efficacy is almost 96% to 98%, if used correctly,” she said.

While many believe that condoms should be used only during vaginal penetration, experts stressed the use of barrier methods, such as male condoms and dental dams, during oral sex, as well. “This reduces the chances of transmitting and contracting STIs,” Dr Shahbaz Sayed, Sexologist, City Sex Counselling and Therapy Center, Mumbai told

Agreeing, Dr Mannan Gupta, Managing Director and Gynaecologist, Elantis Healthcare, New Delhi said that one should use condoms during oral sex because vaginal and penile secretion can lead to oral infections. “It could lead to candidiasis, herpes, syphilis, gonorrhoea, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS),” he told

The more chemicals in a condom, the higher the chances of vaginal irritation or a full-blown yeast infection (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

This is where the idea of flavoured condoms comes into play as they not only reduce the risk of STIs but also enhance sexual pleasure. From chocolate, vanilla and strawberry to ginger and garlic – there are tons of flavours to choose from. “Flavored condoms are specially designed for oral sex,” Dr Sayed said.

But, can flavoured condoms be used for vaginal sex as well? Experts disagree. “This is because flavoured condoms contain sugar in them which can create issues for your vagina. This sugar level in condoms can affect the pH level of the vagina and even lead to a yeast infection,” Dr Gupta said.

Agreeing, Dr Sayed said that flavoured condoms “can alter the pH levels of a woman’s vagina if they are used for penetrative sex. This, in turn, can cause a yeast infection in your female partner”.

He added that the more chemicals in a condom, the higher the chances of vaginal irritation or a full-blown yeast infection.

As such, he advised using flavoured condoms to protect oneself against STDs and to enhance pleasure during oral sex, and not during vaginal intercourse.

Dr Gupta shared the following tips that you must keep in mind while using a condom:

*Use a new condom every time and check the expiry.
*After usage, don’t forget to dispose it properly.
*Use flavoured condoms exclusively for oral sex and look for infection. Contact your doctor in case of any problem.

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