Speaking to reporters at the party’s headquarters, Congress spokesperson Pawan Khera said Modi sounds increasingly “jaded” as promises made by him since taking office in 2014 are “troubling him now”. The country, which was “expecting” a report card on the promises, is “disappointed” with the speech, Khera said.
“The PM has become a victim of his own words and sounds jaded now. His promises are now troubling him. What happened to the promise of doubling the income of farmers, housing for all, the promise to bring back black money?” Khera asked.
On Modi identifying nepotism as a big challenge facing the country, Khera said it was not appropriate to make political statements on the occasion of Independence Day, but “traditions are being changed, led by the prime minister himself”.
“The political statements made by him appear to be connected to the BJP’s internal issues, its own dynastic matters. Maybe he was attacking the home minister, whose son, one wonders how, is occupying such a top post in cricket administration. Perhaps he was attacking the external affairs minister whose son occupies a major position in a foreign think-tank. Perhaps he was attacking the civil aviation minister or the son of the defence minister,” Khera said.
In his speech, Modi said dynastic politics is aimed at the “welfare of a family”, not the country. This, coupled with corruption, is corroding the fundamentals of the republic, he said, issuing an appeal to people to join him in “purifying” the country’s politics and institutions to rid the country of these “evils”.
“Now it is up to the PM to clarify whether he attacked his own ministers or their sons. The country was expecting him to issue a report card on his promises. His speech has disappointed the entire country as well as his supporters,” Khera said.