The BJP-led Tripura government has doubled social security pension for each beneficiary to Rs 2,000 per month. Chief Minister Manik Saha made the announcement of hiking the pension during a ‘Prati Ghore Sushashon’ event held on the occasion of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s birthday at Rabindra Shatabarshiki Bhawan in Agartala Saturday.
Notably, the ruling BJP-IPFT alliance had promised to hike the monthly beneficiary pension to Rs 2,000 prior to the last Assembly elections in 2018.
Speaking at the event, the chief minister said: “After our government came to power, the social security pension of Rs 700 was increased to Rs 1,000. We are announcing to hike it to Rs 2,000 from today. It will come into effect right away.”
“We have started observing Prati Ghore Sushashon on PM Modiji’s birthday,” he added.
According to official data, the Tripura government currently runs 32 social security pensions benefiting a total of 3.89 lakh families across the state.
The state government said the ‘Prati Ghore Sushashon’ campaign will run for three months till November and ensure door-step delivery of major central and state government-run schemes. Developmental works in both rural and urban areas will also be undertaken as part of the campaign.
A government source said camps and fairs will be held at different levels to help people get better access to various public schemes.
At the event, CM Saha also launched an attack on the erstwhile Left Front government saying, “The previous government was limited to meetings and rallies alone. We have come out of that culture and have focused on development. We don’t want to do negative publicity. There’s no point in confusing people, when we can reach them all through work.”
Chief Minister Saha Saturday also thanked the Centre for being ‘liberal’ in allocating funds for Tripura and added that his government is setting up new degree colleges and a medical college on the lines of AIIMS in the north-eastern state.
He said all his ministers are being “watched” to ensure that they perform. The chief minister further said that the Centre was similarly keeping a watch on the performance of the state government.
Saha replaced fellow BJP leader Biplab Kumar Deb as Tripura chief minister in May this year. No apparent reason, however, was cited by the saffron party or the government for the change in leadership.