A day after the Enforcement Directorate (ED) sealed the office of Young Indian Ltd at Herald House in Delhi in connection with its probe in money laundering case, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Thursday said, “the government is trying to intimidate us. We are not scared of Narendra Modi.”
“My duty is to protect the nation, its democracy and maintain harmony. I will keep doing the same”, Gandhi added.
The Congress hit out at the Modi government and linked the sealing of Young Indian’s office and the increased deployment of police outside the AICC headquarters to protests planned by the party on Friday on price rise, unemployment and hike in GST rates on essential commodities.
The Delhi Police on Wednesday deployed personnel outside the Congress headquarters at 24, Akbar Road. The Congress claimed the police had surrounded the residence of party president Sonia Gandhi at 10, Janpath, and that of former Congress president Rahul Gandhi at 12, Tughlaq Lane.
ED officials have rejected the Congress’ defence that Young Indian was a non-profit organisation and there was “no question” of making and laundering money.
“Young Indian has not carried out any charitable activity since 2010 and has been engaged in commercial business. It has taken over AJL properties worth more than Rs 800 crore and has been earning rent on them. Thus, the claim that even if the properties were fraudulently taken over, the benefit will go for charitable purposes is an untenable argument,” an ED official said on August 3.
Congress leader Supriya Shrinate said that AJL and Young Indian are registered companies and every transaction is in the public domain.