This is Mira Kapoor’s ‘favourite snack’; know why you should have it too

Mira Kapoor loves giving her fans and followers a peek into her everyday life, and as such, often shares glimpses of her workouts, experiments with fashion, skin and hair care routine, obsession with nails, and even her diet plan. In a similar vein, the mother-of-two recently took to Instagram Stories to post a picture of a freshly-cut fruit, that she captioned: “fav snack”.

Turns out Mira’s favourite snack is sitaphal or custard apple, which is a green, cone-shaped fruit that has a sweet taste, similar to pineapple and banana. According to experts, this fruit comes packed with several anti-inflammatory compounds.

“Packed with a lot of nutrition, sitaphal is alkaline in nature which helps balance acidity levels in the stomach. It is packed with B12 that enhances blood flow in the body. Readily available in this season, it helps curb sugar cravings too,” Rashi Chahal, nutritionist, told

mira kapoor This is Mira’s favourite snack (Source: Mira Kapoor/Instagram Stories)

Agreed celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar who called it a “super fruit of the 21st century” in an Instagram post earlier. “Sitaphal is sitting pretty and it’s in season right now. Enjoy it, eat with your hands, lick your fingers and don’t wait until it is declared as the super fruit of the 21st century”.

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According to Diwekar, it

*heals ulcers and prevents acidity.
* has micronutrients that give you a smooth skin tone, better than any liquid foundation
*is known to improve eye and brain health.
* helps improve Hb levels – has bioactive molecules that display anti-obeseogenic, anti-diabetes and anti-cancer properties.

Dietitian Shikha Kumari also took to Instagram too share that not only antioxidants, sitaphal is also “high in nutrients like magnesium and potassium”.

According to Kumari, “A fresh, 100-gram custard apple contains”

Calories – 94
Proteins – 2.1 gms
Dietary Fiber – 4.4 gms
Total Fat – 0.0 gms
Carbohydrates – 23.6 gms

Therefore, it…

Is a rich source of energy.
– Fights depression.
– Helps in soothing asthma.
– Boosts immune system.
– Reduces risk of anaemia.
– Maintains a healthy heart.
– Regulates cholesterol.

“They are low in unhealthy or saturated fats and packed with beneficial dietary fibres. In addition, this exotic fruit comprises umpteen valuable nutrients and antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin A, the B vitamins, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, carotenoids and flavonoids,” said Kumari.

Nutritionist Munmun Ganeriwal recommended it as the “go-to fruit’ for those suffering from diabetes.

“A good source of vitamin B6, eating sitaphal will help in curing bloating and PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome). If suffering from diabetes or blood pressure-related issues, this should be the go-to fruit. While the high dietary fibre reduces the risk of diabetes, the potassium and magnesium in it will keep blood pressure in control,” she said.

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