Do fruits spike blood sugar? Find out here

It is recommended to consume fruits, especially seasonal ones, daily as they are a rich source of fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. However, many believe that fruits have too much sugar and should be avoided as they can cause a spike in blood sugar levels.

But, is it true? Nutritionists Pooja Makhija and Luke Coutinho disagree. According to them, when eating whole fruits, it is impossible to consume enough fructose to cause harm. “For this reason, most fruits take a while to eat and digest, meaning that the fructose hits the liver slowly,” they said.

How to consume them?

The nutritionists recommended lining the stomach with some fat plus proteins like soaked flax and chia seeds, and nuts like almonds to delay gastric emptying.

“This will help us reap the benefits of these water-soluble vitamins and minerals – which are needed daily through your diet as our body can’t store them – without worrying about the sugar spikes,” they elaborated.

There are some people who may not be able to have fruits because of glucose intolerance, Coutinho shared. “Everyone is unique. However, we can’t blame the fruit but our lifestyle in the way that we eat them.”

“Small portion sizes – that’s the key,” Makhija concluded, asking everyone to consume fruits in moderation and not avoid them totally.

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